Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Comcast Cable And Internet Deal

Comcast Cable And Internet Deal

Comcast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In this deal Comcast acquired approximately 230,000 basic cable customers, 71,000 digital cable customers, and 86,000 high-speed Internet customers. .

Comcast will treat BitTorrent traffic equally - USATODAY.com They also accused Comcast of stifling delivery of Internet video, an emerging competitor to the core business of the nation's largest cable operator. . "This deal is the direct result of public pressure, and the threat of FCC action, against Comcast," said Marvin Ammori, general counsel of Free Press, a . Comcast and BitTorrent said they want to work out network management issues . "But with Comcast's history of broken promises and record of deception, we .

comcast cable and internet deal

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