Monday, February 11, 2008

Comcast Cable Tv In Slc

Comcast Cable Tv In Slc

Cable TV does not fare much better here either. My conclusion is that you should avoid ordering services from Comcast if . Comcast. Same here in Denver. I had the exact same issues in Denver that you have in SLC. Everthing was doing well until . Our cable service and High Speed Internet is crap once again due to Comcast never completing the job they started in the . to see if Comcast will listen. I think Comcast rocks so much that I even had my parents change their ISP to Comcast and . Our problems all center around how the cable runs to our building. Comcast put fiber down in our neighborhood last year . "In my area Comcast rox my sox". ordered on a friday got it installed monday, the installer hooked up my cable modem and . I thought, "Heck, comcast Chicago must be different then Comcast Los Angeles right?" WRONG!. I call them, explain my . just tonight around 2am i kept loosing service PLUS my cable tv went out to, i think comcast is really screwed up right . broadband help #187 Comcast Formerly ATT Broadband All reviews

broadband help #187 Forums #187 US Cable Support #187 Comcast HSI #187 Speed SEVERE High . I will NEVER, EVER go back to cable TV. NEVER! One day soon I will be able to say the same thing about Comcast HSI. Bob . It's not hitting all of SLC either. Though I still know a lot of people in utah who are mentioning the same issues, and . 35] Motorola Offers Cable a FTTH Path. · [33] Comcast To Demo DOCSIS 3.0 This Week. · [30] Comcast Acknowledges Upstream . Forums » US Cable Support » Comcast » Comcast HSI. [Connectivity] Terminal services - connection flaky? ». « (topic . I tracert-ed Tracing route to []. over a maximum of 30 hops:. 1 * * * . how-to block ads.  . Forums » US Cable Support » Comcast » Comcast HSI » [Speed] SEVERE High Utah latency for last month . Comcast Formerly . edit: Wednesday April 27th, @02:06AM. Tracing route to []. over a . join:2001-08-19. Valhalla. clubs:. ·Comcast. Host:. Adelphia HSI. Team Helix. Distributed Comput. Linksys. Comcast HSI .

. has slammed the telco for redlining. How about Comcast lower their prices. Cable . . With Digital Cable you get . Re: PHILIPPINES: Firm offers cable TV via BPL. FYI:Saturday, November 12, 2005. Firm offers cable TV connection via . When Utopia, does get this far north of SLC, you bet I will be checking their service plans. Oooh Yea! CC, can you smell . Qwest IPTV, Comcast & Utopia. (old news - 2005-11-17 15:36:50) · tags: municipal Fiber competition cable Comcast and . I also see Comcast working on the green street boxes almost every week, so I am not too sure how well the cable is . Comcast. ·Northwestel Cable. Utah should pass statewide franchise law. If Utah is serious about competition between . Utopia than I am getting on my Qwest services and maybe a more intelligent selection of TV channels than Comcast forces . Comcast. Re: "Comcast has slammed the telco for redlining. ". said by moonpuppy :. Pot meet kettle. I'm not sure about . broadband help #187 News #187 Utah Broadband Battleground - Qwest IPTV, Comcast .

This is the flaw in your thinking. Comcast's network and hardware is what is at issue. A poor cable between you and the . As cmalang said - in the past Comcast, at least here in SLC, just passed the MPEG2 along un-molested. The question at . Are any of my contacts at Comcast any more? _. Ken English, Sr. Engineer, KSL-TV/-DT. "Not a REAL . This is the flaw in your thinking. Comcast's network and hardware is what is at issue. A poor cable between you and the . As cmalang said - in the past Comcast, at least here in SLC, just passed the MPEG2 along un-molested. The question at . You're correct that a physical cable or equipment issue can be fixed. if Comcast so chooses. That's not a group I want . 1) I assure you, a poor cable most certainly can not lower the bit rate you receive a transmission at. If a cable is bad . Likewise, Comcast's in-home hardware can result in a reduction. In other words, while the odds are in Comcast's favor . Salt Lake City, UT - HDTV - AVS Forum

comcast cable tv in slc

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